Films en tibétain projetés à l'Université Paris Dauphine (XVIème).
Entrée gratuite.
Dates : le 28 novembre et le 3 décembre
INALCO Dauphine, vendredi 28 novembre, 18h-20h, salle P105
projection de
deux films de Padma Tsetan (ch.: Wanma Caidan), réalisateur tibétain diplômé de l'Académie du Film de Pékin. Ce court-métrage de fiction et ce documentaire n'ont jamais été projetés en France. Les films sont en VO tibétaine (dialecte de l'Amdo) sous-titrée en anglais. Padma Tsetan sera présent pour commenter les films à l'issue de la projection.
La Prairie (Rtswa thang), fiction, 2004, 26'
"An old woman loses a cow in the Tibetan district of Qinghai. The village head thought the notorious young men had stolen it. The suspects were reluctant to meet the head's order to vow before the Buddha. They were indeed innocent. In the end, the head's son admitted he was the thief when faced with his father's inquiry. The father led the son to apologize to the old woman. It is a tranquil and consistent film, slowly unfolded, simply put."
The Weatherman's Legacy, documentaire, 2005, 26'
"A Tibetan shaman wants to pass down his hailstorm-stopping and rain-making skills to his son, who would rather run a video-rental business in the village. Worried that his reputation in the village is slipping, the shaman’s last hope lies with his grandson, who is beginning to learn the ancient incantations. In the meantime, the local meteorologist is gaining popularity amongst the villagers, who are starting to favour the more scientific methods of cloud-seeding and man-made rain over traditional shamanistic rituals."
Le mercredi 3 décembre, en salle B409, projection du premier long-métrage de Padma Tsetan,
"Le Silence des Pierres Sacrées" (vo sous-titrée en anglais)
Written and Directed by Wanma Caidan (Pronounced Pema Tsetan)
Tibet 2005 | Drama | 102 min | Tibetan with English subtitles
The Silent Holy Stones traces the intermingling of native Tibetan culture with the influence of the outside world. The movie tells the story of a young Lama who returns to home for New Year holidays from his remote temple, and is deeply impressed by the changes in his village.
The young Lama discovers a new TV set in his family's home. He falls in love with the television series Journey to the West. Upon returning to the temple, the boy begs his father to bring the VCD and TV back to the temple for other Lamas to watch.
His fixation on the TV begins to distract him from his duties to the temple and his community. Despite the intensity of contrast between the religious and secular, the ancient and contemporary,
The Silent Holy Stones never escalates the tension to the level of contrived narrative conceit.
Awards: Winner of the 25th Golden Rooster, Best Directorial Debut; winner of the 13th Beijing Student Film Festival, Best Directorial Debut; winner of the New Currents Award in the 10th Pusan International Film Festival; winner of Dragons and Tigers award in the 24th Vancouver International Film Festival.
Director Pema Tsetan was born in the Tibetan area in Qinghai, northwest China in 1969. He studied Tibetan language and culture at the Northwest National University, and film at the Beijing Film Academy. A screenplay writer and director, he wrote and conducted a 35mm coloured short film — The Grassland — 2004, which won the best short film prize at the Chinese Students' Films Sections and the 3rd International Students Audio and Visual Works Show at the Beijing Film Academy. He was chosen one of Discovery's First Time Filmmakers of 2004 and his second feature film, BLIND MOUNTAIN, is currently in post-production.
The Silent Holy Stones won the 25th Golden Rooster, Best Directorial Debut; winner of the 13th Beijing Student Film Festival, Best Directorial Debut; winner of the New Currents Award in the 10th Pusan International Film Festival; winner of Dragons and Tigers award in the 24th Vancouver International Film Festival.
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